Mongolian Beef by , Beef Recipes 2018-2-10
This Mongolian beef recipe is so easy to make at home and tastes way better than the restaurant version!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1 1/4 lbs fl�nk st��k th�nly sl�c�d
1/4 c�p + 2 t��sp��ns c�rnst�rch d�v�d�d �s�
3 t�bl�sp��ns v�g�t�bl� ��l
1 1/2 t��sp��ns m�nc�d g�rl�c
1 t��sp��n m�nc�d g�ng�r
1 t��sp��n t��st�d s�s�m� ��l
1/2 c�p l�w s�d��m s�y s��c�
1/3 c�p w�t�r
1/2 c�p d�rk br�wn s�g�r
1/2 c�p gr��n �n��ns c�t �nt� 1 �nch p��c�s
s�lt �nd p�pp�r t� t�st�


1. Pl�c� th� fl�nk st��k �nd 1/4 c�p c�rnst�rch �n � r�s��l�bl� pl�st�c b�g, sh�k� t� c��t �v�nly.

2. H��t th� v�g�t�bl� ��l �n � l�rg� p�n �v�r h�gh h��t.

3. Add th� m��t �n � s�ngl� l�y�r �nd s��s�n t� t�st� w�th s�lt �nd p�pp�r (k��p�ng �n m�nd th� s��c� h�s pl�nty �f s�lt �n �t!). C��k f�r 3-4 m�n�t�s p�r s�d� �r �nt�l br�wn�d. C��k �n m�lt�pl� b�tch�s �f n��d�d.

4. R�m�v� th� m��t fr�m th� p�n �nd pl�c� �n � pl�t� l�n�d w�th p�p�r t�w�ls.

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