CHOCOLATE CHIP CHEESECAKE COOKIES by , Cookies Recipes 2017-10-6
These cookies with cream cheese and mini chocolate chips simply melt in your mouth. Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Cookies are simple, light and delicious.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 26 Servings


1� c�p �ll p�rp�s� fl��r
� c�p c�rnst�rch
� t��sp��n b�k�ng p�wd�r
� c�p �ns�lt�d b�tt�r, r��m t�mp�r�t�r�
4 �z cr��m ch��s�, r��m t�mp�r�t�r�
1 l�rg� �gg
1 t�bl�sp��n m�lk
� t��sp��n v�n�ll� �xtr�ct
1� c�p p�wd�r�d s�g�r
5-6 t�bl�sp��n m�n� ch�c�l�t� ch�p


1. In � m�d��m b�wl c�mb�n� fl��r, c�rnst�rch �nd b�k�ng p�wd�r. L��v� �s�d�.

2. In � l�rg� b�wl m�x b�tt�r �nd cr��m ch��s�, w�th �n �l�ctr�c m�x�r �n m�d��m sp��d, �nt�l �t �s f�n� �nd cr��my.

3. Add �n �gg, m�lk �nd v�n�ll� �xtr�ct �nd c�nt�n�� m�x�ng.

4. Th�n, �dd p�wd�r s�g�r �nd m�x s�m� m�r� �nt�l th� m�xt�r� �s fl�ffy. Add dry �ngr�d��nts �nd m�x �nt�l y�� g�t f�n� d��gh.

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