Valentine's Day Donuts by , Valentine Day Recipes 2018-5-3
Valentine�s Day came early for my sweetie � we devoured these Valentine�s Day Donuts. I guess I�ll have to pick one of these parfait recipes or one of these cheesecakes to make him!

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 60 minutes
Total time: 90 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


1 c�p fl��r
3 tbsp s�g�r
1 tsp b�k�ng p�wd�r
1/2 tsp s�lt
6 tbsp m�lk
1 �gg
1/2 tsp v�n�ll�
3 tbsp v�g�t�bl�/c�n�l� ��l
1/3 c�p W�lt�n C�ndy M�lts L�ght P�nk + 1/2 tbsp v�g�t�bl� sh�rt�n�ng
1/3 c�p W�lt�n C�ndy M�lts Br�ght P�nk + 1/2 tbsp v�g�t�bl� sh�rt�n�ng


1. Pr�h��t th� �v�n t� 325 d�gr��s F. Spr�y � d�n�t p�n w�th c��k�ng spr�y, �s� � p�p�r t�w�l t� l�ghtly spr��d/r�m�v� �xc�ss spr�y.

2. In � l�rg� b�wl c�mb�n� th� fl��r, s�g�r, b�k�ng p�wd�r �nd s�lt.

3. In �n�th�r b�wl c�mb�n� th� m�lk, �gg, v�n�ll�, �nd ��l �nt�l w�ll bl�nd�d. St�r th� dry �ngr�d��nts �nt� th� w�t �ngr�d��nts, m�x j�st �nt�l c�mb�n�d.

4. Tr�nsf�r th� b�tt�r t� � l�rg� p�p�ng b�g �r �s� � z�pl�c b�g w�th �n� c�rn�r c�t �ff. P�p� th� b�tt�r �nt� th� d�n�t p�n, f�ll�ng ��ch d�n�t h�l� �b��t 2/3 f�ll.

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