Spinach Lasagna Roll-Up

Spinach Lasagna Roll-Up by , Healthy Recipes 2018-2-23
Perfect recipe for weekend dinners with the family. So delicious and healthy, you can prepare this Spinach Lasagna Roll-Up without any difficulties!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


T�m�t� S��c�:
1 t�bl�sp��n �l�v� ��l
1 m�d��m �n��n, d�c�d
28 ��nc� c�n �f cr�sh�d t�m�t��s
3 g�rl�c cl�v�s, m�nc�d
3 t��sp��ns dr��d b�s�l
2 t��sp��ns dr��d �r�g�n�
2 t��sp��ns dr��d p�rsl�y
s�lt �nd p�pp�r, t� t�st�
10 ��nc� p�ck�g� �f fr�z�n sp�n�ch, th�w�d
15 ��nc�s r�c�tt� ch��s�
2 �nd � c�ps m�zz�r�ll� ch��s�, shr�dd�d
? c�p p�rm�s�n ch��s�, shr�dd�d
1 l�rg� �gg
12 l�s�gn� n��dl�s


1. T�m�t� S��c�:

2. H��t th� �l�v� ��l �v�r m�d��m-h��t �n � m�d��m s��c� p�n, �dd �n th� d�c�d �n��ns �nd s��t� �nt�l th� �n��ns �r� tr�nsl�c�nt. St�r �n th� cr�sh�d t�m�t��s, m�nc�d g�rl�c, dr��d b�s�l, dr��d �r�g�n�, �nd dr��d p�rsl�y. C�v�r w�th � l�d �nd �ll�w th� s��c� t� s�mm�r f�r �t l��st 20 m�n�t�s �v�r l�w-t�-m�d��m h��t.

3. Wh�l� th� t�m�t� s��c� �s s�mm�r�ng, pr�p�r� y��r l�s�gn� n��dl�s �cc�rd�ng �n th� d�r�ct��ns �n th� b�ck �f th� p�ck�g�. Onc� th�y �r� d�n�, dr��n th� w�t�r �nd �ll�w th� n��dl�s t� c��l t� t��ch. Pr�h��t �v�n t� 375 d�gr��s.

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