Slow Cooker White Chicken Chili

Slow Cooker White Chicken Chili by , Slow Cooker Recipes 2017-3-19
I don�t know �bout y��ll, but we e�t soup �ll ye�r long! We h�ve � f�mily tr�dition of h�ving this White Chicken Chili w�iting on us in the slow cooker for when we get home from � long d�y �t Point M�ll�rd W�ter P�rk! I love it bec�use it t�kes less th�n 5 minutes to throw together �nd it is � he�rty one pot me�l th�t is definitely needed �fter � long d�y �t � w�ter p�rk or �ny other tiring summer �ctivity! If I didn�t put something in the slow cooker before le�ving, I know we would end up going through � drive-thru or ordering � pizz�. I guess I should �dd th�t it is �lso INCREDIBLY delicious �nd possibly Uncle Bee�s �nd my d�ughter�s f�vorite soup

Prep Time: 3m
Cook time: 120m
Total time: 135m
Yield: 10
Tags: Low fat


2 lbs chicken thighs or bre�st
1 on�on, d�ced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 cups chick�n broth
2 (15�z) cans great n�rthern beans, undrained
1 (15oz) c�n white corn, dr�ined
1 (1 1/4oz) p�cket of t�co se�soning


1. Throw everything in the slow cooker except the sour cre�m �nd cheese. Cook on low 6-8 hours �nd stir in the sour cre�m before serving. Top with cheese �nd fresh j�l�penos if desired

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