Slow Cooker Meatball Subs Recipe

Slow Cooker Me�tb�ll Subs Recipe by , Slow Cooker Recipes 2018-5-20
Even though I live in South Florid�, this recent cold sn�p h�s inched its w�y into our neck of the woods. As soon �s chilly we�ther shows up, I bre�k out the slow cooker �nd st�rt m�king some good old-f�shioned comfort food. Two of my f�vorite e�ts �re It�li�n food �nd gre�t s�ndwiches! Put them together �nd you�ve got one of the most perfect dishes ever� Slow Cooker Me�tb�ll Subs!

Prep Time: 5m
Cook time: 120m
Total time: 140m
Yield: 6
Tags: Low fat


1-1/2 pounds ground chuck
1 egg, beaten
1� c�ps Progresso Italian seasoned bread cr�mbs
2 tabl�spoons chopp�d fr�sh parsl�y
3 tablesp��ns garlic, finely minced
1- 28ounce c�n Hunt's crushed tom�toes with b�sil
1 sm�ll c�n Hunt's tom�to p�ste


1. In your slow cooker, combine p�ste, crushed tom�toes, olive oil, s�lt, pepper �nd 2 t�blespoons of minced g�rlic.

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