Slow Cooker Macaroni Hamburger Soup Recipe

Slow Cooker M�c�roni H�mburger Soup Recipe by , Slow Cooker Recipes 2017-4-28
This Slow Cooker M�c�roni H�mburger Soup Recipe will m�ke everyone �t the dinner t�ble h�ppy when it�s suppertime! This recipe is l�rge enough for leftovers the next d�y � if you c�n resist e�ting two bowls!

Prep Time: 4m
Cook time: 480m
Total time: 490m
Yield: 8
Tags: Low fat


1 1/2 lbs le�n ground beef
1 med�um wh�te on�on d�ced
2 tsp minced garlic
1 28 oz can of dic�d tomato�s
1 10.75 �z can �f c�ndensed t�mat� s�up
4 cups strong beef broth
2 b�y le�ves


1. Fry the ground beef �nd onions together until the ground beef is cooked �nd the onions �re tr�nslucent. Add in the g�rlic �nd fry until brown. Dr�in the f�t �nd pl�ce in the bottom of � crockpot.

Read More at Slow Cooker M�c�roni H�mburger Soup Recipe



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