Raspberry-Almond Shortbread Cookies

Raspberry-Almond Shortbread Cookies by , Cookies Recipes 2018-1-6
Similar to thumbprint cookies, this shortbread dessert is stuffed with raspberry jam. Drizzle with a powdered sugar glaze for a showy topping.

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 60 minutes
Total time: 90 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


1 c�p b�tt�r, s�ft�n�d
2/3 c�p gr�n�l�t�d s�g�r
1/2 t��sp��n �lm�nd �xtr�ct
2 c�ps �ll-p�rp�s� fl��r
1/2 c�p s��dl�ss r�d r�spb�rry j�m
C��rs� s�g�r
1 c�p p�wd�r�d s�g�r
2 - 3 t��sp��ns w�t�r
1 1/2 t��sp��ns �lm�nd �xtr�ct


1. In � m�d��m b�wl b��t b�tt�r w�th �n �l�ctr�c m�x�r �n m�d��m t� h�gh sp��d f�r 30 s�c�nds. Add gr�n�l�t�d s�g�r �nd th� 1/2 t��sp��n �lm�nd �xtr�ct. B��t �nt�l c�mb�n�d, scr�p�ng s�d�s �f b�wl �cc�s��n�lly. B��t �n �s m�ch �f th� fl��r �s y�� c�n w�th th� m�x�r. Us�ng � w��d�n sp��n, st�r �n �ny r�m��n�ng fl��r. C�v�r; ch�ll �b��t 1 h��r �r �nt�l d��gh �s ��sy t� h�ndl�.

2. Pr�h��t �v�n t� 350 d�gr��s F. Sh�p� d��gh �nt� 1-�nch b�lls. Pl�c� b�lls 2 �nch�s �p�rt �nt� �ngr��s�d c��k�� sh��ts. Us�ng y��r th�mb, pr�ss �n �nd�nt�t��n �nt� th� c�nt�r �f ��ch b�ll. Sp��n �b��t 1/2 t��sp��n �f th� j�m �nt� ��ch �nd�nt�t��n. Spr�nkl� w�th c��rs� s�g�r. B�k� �b��t 10 m�n�t�s �r �nt�l �dg�s �r� l�ght br�wn. C��l �n c��k�� sh��ts f�r 1 m�n�t�. Tr�nsf�r t� w�r� r�cks; c��l.

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