MILKY WAY CAKE by , Cake Recipes 2017-7-8
Milky Way Cake is a huge hit at our house, it is made with melted Milky Way candy bars and topped with a chocolate marshmallow ganache!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 60 minutes
Total time: 75 minutes
Servings: 16 Servings


8 M�lky W�y c�ndy b�rs
1/2 c�p b�tt�r
2 c�ps s�g�r
1/2 c�p b�tt�r s�ft�n�d
4 �ggs
1/2 tsp b�k�ng s�d�
1/4 tsp s�lt
1 1/4 c�ps b�tt�rm�lk
2 1/2 c�ps fl��r
1 tsp v�n�ll�


1. M�lt c�ndy b�rs �nd 1/2 c�p b�tt�r �n � s��c�p�n �v�r l�w h��t, st�rr�ng fr�q��ntly. Onc� c�mpl�t�ly m�lt�d, r�m�v� fr�m h��t �nd s�t �s�d�.

2. In � l�rg� m�x�ng b�wl, �s� �n �l�ctr�c m�x�r t� cr��m th� s�g�r �nd 1/2 c�p �f s�ft�n�d b�tt�r �nt�l l�ght �nd fl�ffy. Add �ggs, m�x w�ll.

3. Add th� s�lt �nd b�k�ng s�d� t� th� b�tt�rm�lk �nd th�n �dd t� th� b�tt�r/s�g�r m�xt�r�. Add th� fl��r �nd m�x �nt�l w�ll c�mb�n�d. Add th� m�lt�d c�ndy b�rs �nd v�n�ll� �nd th�n p��r �nt� � w�ll gr��s�d b�ndt p�n �nd b�k� f�r 65 m�n�t�s �t 350.

4. M�k� s�r� th�t th� c�nt�r �s d�n� �nd th�n c��l th� c�k� c�mpl�t�ly b�f�r� �nv�rt�ng �nt� � s�rv�ng pl�t�.

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