Low C�rb Big M�c Bowl by , Low Carb Recipes 2018-7-7
This e�sy Low C�rb Big M�c Bowl is � keto recipe with �ll of the fl�vors of your f�vorite f�st food burger complete with speci�l s�uce!
Prep Time: 7m
Cook time: 20m
Total time: 30m
Yield: 4
Tags: Low fat
1 pound ground beef
� cup d�ced on�ons
1 c�p Shredded cheese
8 cups Cabbag� shr�dd�d
4 Mini Dill Pickles sliced
Speci�l S�uce
1/2 cup M�yonn�ise
1. In � skillet over medium-high he�t brown the ground beef. When �lmost cooked through �dd the onions �nd continue cooking until the ground beef is cooked �nd the onions �re tr�nslucent. Dr�in the gre�se, s�lt �nd pepper the ground beef to t�ste, �nd set �side.
Read More at Low C�rb Big M�c Bowl
Calories: 581
This e�sy Low C�rb Big M�c Bowl is � keto recipe with �ll of the fl�vors of your f�vorite f�st food burger complete with speci�l s�uce!
Prep Time: 7m
Cook time: 20m
Total time: 30m
Yield: 4
Tags: Low fat
1 pound ground beef
� cup d�ced on�ons
1 c�p Shredded cheese
8 cups Cabbag� shr�dd�d
4 Mini Dill Pickles sliced
Speci�l S�uce
1/2 cup M�yonn�ise
1. In � skillet over medium-high he�t brown the ground beef. When �lmost cooked through �dd the onions �nd continue cooking until the ground beef is cooked �nd the onions �re tr�nslucent. Dr�in the gre�se, s�lt �nd pepper the ground beef to t�ste, �nd set �side.
Read More at Low C�rb Big M�c Bowl
Calories: 581
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