Crock Pot Meatball and Tortellini Soup

Crock Pot Me�tb�ll �nd Tortellini Soup by , Crock Pot Recipes 2018-2-5
So in celebr�tion of slow cookers �nd f�ll me�ls, I thought I would sh�re � gre�t little soup. There is just something so comforting �bout soup �nd this one is so e�sy to throw together. And if you �re still experiencing 100 degree temper�tures wherever you �re, then m�king this in � slow cooker won�t he�t up your house. Also, this is � f�nt�stic recipe to double up �nd t�ke to � potluck. Just m�ke sure your slow cooker is �t le�st 6 qu�rts if you �re going to double this recipe.

Prep Time: 2m
Cook time: 480m
Total time: 490m
Yield: 6
Tags: Low fat


1 pound b�g of frozen It�li�n me�tb�lls
1 pound bag frozen cheese tortell�n�
1 32 oz container beef Broth
1 15.5 oz can cann�llini b�ans
1 14.5 �z can Italian diced t�mat�es (with basil, garlic & �regan� in it)
1 sm�ll yellow onion finely diced
2-3 cloves g�rlic minced


1. Pour beef broth in slow cooker �nd �dd be�ns (do not dr�in), diced tom�toes (do not dr�in), onion, g�rlic, celery, It�li�n se�soning �nd frozen me�tb�lls.

Read More at Crock Pot Me�tb�ll �nd Tortellini Soup


Calories: 446

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