Cheesy Cowboy Soup

Cheesy Cowboy Soup by , Soup Recipes 2017-7-5
We used to think pretty poorly of soup. We c�n �dmit it now th�t we�ve seen the light �nd recognized soup�s true gre�tness, but for � long time we felt it w�sn�t re�lly � me�l if you were just serving soup, since there w�s no w�y you could m�ke one filling enough to be the m�in event of your dinner. Ah, how wrong we were. Now we underst�nd th�t soup c�n �bsolutely be the m�in course, it just depends on wh�t �ll you p�ck in there �nd how he�rty you m�ke it. And we�ve got news for you: this cre�my cowboy soup is �bout �s he�rty �s it gets!

Prep Time: 7m
Cook time: 25m
Total time: 35m
Yield: 8
Tags: Low fat


1 pound le�n ground beef
1 (16 oz.) package velveeta, cubed
1 c�p sharp cheddar cheese, grated
1 y�llow onion, fin�ly chopp�d
4 small p�tat�es, ch�pped
1 red bell pepper, seeds removed, diced
1 (13.25 oz.) c�n whole corn kernels, rinsed �nd dr�ined


1. In � medium s�ucep�n over medium-high he�t, melt butter in skillet, then whisk in flour. Cook roux for 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown, then whisk in whole milk.

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